Learn the history of Swamp Rat-I dragster.
Big Daddy is Don Garlits nickname. He's
world famous, and was also the King of Drag
Don Garlits passed away almost a year ago,
on March 16, 2021
Don Glenn Garlits was born January 12, 1932.
After World War II, they used the aircraft pilot
fields for alternate use, including drag racing.
Don Garlits first dragster, was a built at home,
Don Glenn Garlits was born January 12, 1932.
After World War II, they used the aircraft pilot
fields for alternate use, including drag racing.
Don Garlits first dragster, was a built at home,
in 1954, under his oak tree a 1927 Model T type
roadster. He used, an electric welder, gas torch,
roadster. He used, an electric welder, gas torch,
to modify the body, to accept, a Mercury block,
and 1939 transmission, and mesh with a 1948
Ford differential. It had a E.T. (elapse time) of
13.5 seconds at 93 miles.
However, he could increase the E.T. by having
the body removed, moving the engine back, and
moving the seat behind the rear end, now making
into a rail dragster. The results were, a E.T. of
the body removed, moving the engine back, and
moving the seat behind the rear end, now making
into a rail dragster. The results were, a E.T. of
12.1 at 108 MPH. This slingshot dragster won the
first NHRA when NHRA Safety Safari came to the
city of Lake City in Florida.
Then three years later Don Garlits went pro.
His first meet was held on airfield near the city
of Great Bend Kansas in 1955.
Many people made fun of Don Garlits calling
him Floridian, until Don Garlit's stopped this, by
calling his dragsters Swamp Rats, which Don is
from the swampy Florida state, he is proud of
this. It also represented his different, dragster
engineering styles he would use. Swamp Rat
means he gets the Cheese.
My personal favorite is Swamp Rat-I. I love
this pretty dragster he built. The engine is a
392 Hemi came from a wrecking yard. It was
first for his own 1940 Ford. Don Garlits was
looking for a Cadillac mill, to put in his car.
However, he found this beautiful Hemi 392 to
stuffed into his 1940 Ford, that only had 10,000
miles on it. He then had the idea, of pulling out
that Hemi, and stuff it into his first new car, he
called his dragster Swamp Rat-I. This was built
in 1957, with six carbs, and at times changed to
eight carbs. It had big wild zoomy chrome long
headers, that went passed the white wall pie
crust slicks, with the slotted mags. In the front
were motorcycle chrome wire wheels and tires.
city of Lake City in Florida.
Then three years later Don Garlits went pro.
His first meet was held on airfield near the city
of Great Bend Kansas in 1955.
Many people made fun of Don Garlits calling
him Floridian, until Don Garlit's stopped this, by
calling his dragsters Swamp Rats, which Don is
from the swampy Florida state, he is proud of
this. It also represented his different, dragster
engineering styles he would use. Swamp Rat
means he gets the Cheese.
My personal favorite is Swamp Rat-I. I love
this pretty dragster he built. The engine is a
392 Hemi came from a wrecking yard. It was
first for his own 1940 Ford. Don Garlits was
looking for a Cadillac mill, to put in his car.
However, he found this beautiful Hemi 392 to
stuffed into his 1940 Ford, that only had 10,000
miles on it. He then had the idea, of pulling out
that Hemi, and stuff it into his first new car, he
called his dragster Swamp Rat-I. This was built
in 1957, with six carbs, and at times changed to
eight carbs. It had big wild zoomy chrome long
headers, that went passed the white wall pie
crust slicks, with the slotted mags. In the front
were motorcycle chrome wire wheels and tires.
It even had an air box on top of the carbs to
have them match the blue dragster body, with
fogged white and blue flames. Modification was
necessary, to run on powerful nitromethane, and
also, benzene.
The car was built originally with a two-speed
transmission, with full rear end. It had a E.T.
best of 10.5 seconds at 145 MPH.
While at the ATAA World Series of Drag
Racing in Cordova, IL, August 1957, Don had
met Emory Cook, and Cliff Bedwell. Emory
gave Don Garlits some pointers, to improve
performance, and helped Don tune his new
dragster closer, to what he needed to run
nitro. The result was Don's best E.T. was
9.60 seconds at 155 MPH, beating Cook,
and Bedwell. But in the finals, he lost to
Don then redid the car, lowered the front
end, and engine location, and removed the
transmission. He had a narrowed Oldsmobile
rear end. Don had built wire wheels for the
front, added a new nose piece.
So, when November 10, 1957, came, the
Big Daddy Garlits, blasted the drag racers
E.T. with an 8.79 at 176.40 MPH. Big Daddy
made both the world records for E.T. and
MPH. It was the fastest dragster at this
time period. Look at the black and white
picture of Swamp Rat-I below. The famous
World's Fastest Dragster in the sixth picture
below. It covers everything about the real
car, Big Daddy Don Garlits Swamp Rat-I in
September 1958 in Great Bends, Kansas
Big Daddy won the famous AHRA National
Up to 1959 the Swamp Rat-I toured all
over unchanged. The picture with close view
of engine and people at Bakersfield, California.
The picture with the Swamp Rat-I with the
silver dragster in the back is Setto Pastoian's.
The cover over the engine, of Don's dragster,
Swamp Rat-I is the last time it would fit. This
is the week before the first Smokers March
Meet at the same city Bakersfield, California.
After this March Meet Big Daddy would stick
a blower under his carburetor set up with nitro,
to match the other drag racing competitors. This
would be at Bear at Kingdom Dragstrip, where
he would blast his competition.
Don Garlit received incurring burn, while
racing in Chester South Carolina, in 1959
Don asked Art Malone to drive for him. The
car now had a new two-port Hilborn Injection
with a competition scoop. The Hilborn Injection
performance was much better, then the eight
carbs, that were used before. Malone behind
the wheel, had turned the Swamp Rat-I into
another victory. On August 23,1959 at
Sanford, ME, the car set a new record of
183.66 MPH. It was a happy day for Don
and Art.
In September Don and Art had attended
ARHA Nationals in Great Bend Kansas and
set a E.T. record of 8.23 seconds. This record
lasted for quite a while. When a new Chicago
Team shows up to do battle, made up of Chris-
Karamesines and his team partner Dan -
Maynard with their beautiful dragster called
the Chizler, Big Daddy and Art lost to this
Chicago Team. However, it started a good
friendship, along with competitions with both
Don Garlits and Chris Karamesines.
As for Don Garlits and Art Melone their
partnership lasted under a year, but they were
friends. Both Big Daddy, and Art Melone were
feared on the drag strip, and set many track
records as well as many multiple National top
speed and elapse times records.
Swamp Rat-I gets a new look, black body,
gold flames, black scoop, with graphics to
transmission, with full rear end. It had a E.T.
best of 10.5 seconds at 145 MPH.
While at the ATAA World Series of Drag
Racing in Cordova, IL, August 1957, Don had
met Emory Cook, and Cliff Bedwell. Emory
gave Don Garlits some pointers, to improve
performance, and helped Don tune his new
dragster closer, to what he needed to run
nitro. The result was Don's best E.T. was
9.60 seconds at 155 MPH, beating Cook,
and Bedwell. But in the finals, he lost to
Don then redid the car, lowered the front
end, and engine location, and removed the
transmission. He had a narrowed Oldsmobile
rear end. Don had built wire wheels for the
front, added a new nose piece.
So, when November 10, 1957, came, the
Big Daddy Garlits, blasted the drag racers
E.T. with an 8.79 at 176.40 MPH. Big Daddy
made both the world records for E.T. and
MPH. It was the fastest dragster at this
time period. Look at the black and white
picture of Swamp Rat-I below. The famous
World's Fastest Dragster in the sixth picture
below. It covers everything about the real
car, Big Daddy Don Garlits Swamp Rat-I in
September 1958 in Great Bends, Kansas
Big Daddy won the famous AHRA National
Up to 1959 the Swamp Rat-I toured all
over unchanged. The picture with close view
of engine and people at Bakersfield, California.
The picture with the Swamp Rat-I with the
silver dragster in the back is Setto Pastoian's.
The cover over the engine, of Don's dragster,
Swamp Rat-I is the last time it would fit. This
is the week before the first Smokers March
Meet at the same city Bakersfield, California.
After this March Meet Big Daddy would stick
a blower under his carburetor set up with nitro,
to match the other drag racing competitors. This
would be at Bear at Kingdom Dragstrip, where
he would blast his competition.
Don Garlit received incurring burn, while
racing in Chester South Carolina, in 1959
Don asked Art Malone to drive for him. The
car now had a new two-port Hilborn Injection
with a competition scoop. The Hilborn Injection
performance was much better, then the eight
carbs, that were used before. Malone behind
the wheel, had turned the Swamp Rat-I into
another victory. On August 23,1959 at
Sanford, ME, the car set a new record of
183.66 MPH. It was a happy day for Don
and Art.
In September Don and Art had attended
ARHA Nationals in Great Bend Kansas and
set a E.T. record of 8.23 seconds. This record
lasted for quite a while. When a new Chicago
Team shows up to do battle, made up of Chris-
Karamesines and his team partner Dan -
Maynard with their beautiful dragster called
the Chizler, Big Daddy and Art lost to this
Chicago Team. However, it started a good
friendship, along with competitions with both
Don Garlits and Chris Karamesines.
As for Don Garlits and Art Melone their
partnership lasted under a year, but they were
friends. Both Big Daddy, and Art Melone were
feared on the drag strip, and set many track
records as well as many multiple National top
speed and elapse times records.
Swamp Rat-I gets a new look, black body,
gold flames, black scoop, with graphics to
match the flames. Don's Speed Shop is now in
The pie crust slicks are thinner on Torque new
Thrust Mags, with stubby headers.
West Coast December '59, Art and Don
The pie crust slicks are thinner on Torque new
Thrust Mags, with stubby headers.
West Coast December '59, Art and Don
won beating, Art Chrisman in his dragster
Hustler-I in the final. The top speed in E.T.
was 8.51 seconds at 181.81 MPH, that had
went to Don Garlits and Art Malone.
Don Garlits was back at the March Meet
with Malone driving in 1960.Their record
was broke with a speed of 185.56 MPH,
compared to their former record speed made
in August 1959 with a speed of 183.66.
The black Swamp Rat-I B on the Memorial
Day event at Union Grove had a grey small
competition scoop, and slotted Hali brands,
Now that Big Daddy was in competition
mode, both Art Malone, and Big Daddy had
toured extensively, from late 1959 through
July 1960, to drag race full competitions, and
also be involved as many match races as
possible. Art Malone July 17,1960, at the
Minnesota Drag way driving Don's dragster
Swamp Rat-I B is the black and white pic of
the dragster the third one down from the two
matched dragsters. After this they departed.
Big Daddy returns home, and modifies his
roll cage for a better fit in the driver seat.
Now Don Garlits has a close friend come
to visited him? Who is he? This man was a
big giant in stock car racing. His name is
Mr. Smoky Yunick, who come to find out,
using a passenger car Don Garlits is
pushing his dragster. Now for a surprise,
Don Garlits gets a call from the local
Chevrolet dealer to pick up a 1959 GMC
Carry All, with compliments of Smoky.
Mr. Smoky Yunick, who purchased this
former Sheriff's Department vehicle,
with a black and white color scheme.
Don left this color, and the GMC that is
pushing his Swamp Rat-I B is the gift that
Mr. Smoky Yunick paid for, to Don.
Again, there is a change in Swamp Rat-I B.
The front carries Hali brand 12 Spoke wheels.
Also, for the second time there is a black and
white picture of Swap Rat-I B. It said this for
the second time: World's Fastest Dragster.


Hustler-I in the final. The top speed in E.T.
was 8.51 seconds at 181.81 MPH, that had
went to Don Garlits and Art Malone.
Don Garlits was back at the March Meet
with Malone driving in 1960.Their record
was broke with a speed of 185.56 MPH,
compared to their former record speed made
in August 1959 with a speed of 183.66.
A week later in Fremont they beat Ted
Big Daddy took home the Cheese.
"Curly" Cyr with a E.T. of 8.42 seconds at
184.04 MPH for Top Eliminator. They won
many numerous times, which lead to a new
top speed of 187.10. This Swamp Rat-I B was
in Drag News Weekly. They also had a red
new scoop on the car, with the thin pie crust
slicks with American Torque Thrusts Mags.
However, Big Daddy Don Garlits would go
back to a competition scoop and Hali brands
slotted mags with his pie crust slicks.
On Memorial Day weekend 1960 both Don
and Art attended the event in Union Grove.
while Bod Metzer brought as many dragsters
as possible, that could be assembled.
Remember, the Chicago Team that defeated
Don, and Art? It's payback time with a healthy
type of Don Garlits and Art Malone wanted
revenge for Chris Karamesines and Dan
Maynard for defeated them, at Great Bend,
Kansas in 1959, of September, with their
beautiful Chizler. The picture down below,
with two dragsters racing side by side, shows
the story. Art Malone had blasted Chris
Karamesines twice that day. He did it for Class
and also, for Top Eliminator.
The black Swamp Rat-I B on the Memorial
Day event at Union Grove had a grey small
competition scoop, and slotted Hali brands,
Now that Big Daddy was in competition
mode, both Art Malone, and Big Daddy had
toured extensively, from late 1959 through
July 1960, to drag race full competitions, and
also be involved as many match races as
possible. Art Malone July 17,1960, at the
Minnesota Drag way driving Don's dragster
Swamp Rat-I B is the black and white pic of
the dragster the third one down from the two
matched dragsters. After this they departed.
Big Daddy returns home, and modifies his
roll cage for a better fit in the driver seat.
Now Don Garlits has a close friend come
to visited him? Who is he? This man was a
big giant in stock car racing. His name is
Mr. Smoky Yunick, who come to find out,
using a passenger car Don Garlits is
pushing his dragster. Now for a surprise,
Don Garlits gets a call from the local
Chevrolet dealer to pick up a 1959 GMC
Carry All, with compliments of Smoky.
Mr. Smoky Yunick, who purchased this
former Sheriff's Department vehicle,
with a black and white color scheme.
Don left this color, and the GMC that is
pushing his Swamp Rat-I B is the gift that
Mr. Smoky Yunick paid for, to Don.
Again, there is a change in Swamp Rat-I B.
The front carries Hali brand 12 Spoke wheels.
Also, for the second time there is a black and
white picture of Swap Rat-I B. It said this for
the second time: World's Fastest Dragster.
The last picture at the bottom with the man
with the flag, is the last run for Swamp Rat-I B,
before retiring the car in early 1961. It was to
be replaced with an all-new dragster, that has a
Connie Swingle built chrome molly tubing
chassis, known as Swamp Rat-3.
with the flag, is the last run for Swamp Rat-I B,
before retiring the car in early 1961. It was to
be replaced with an all-new dragster, that has a
Connie Swingle built chrome molly tubing
chassis, known as Swamp Rat-3.


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