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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Warning! Not Considering Your Beliefs Facebook Wants You A Donor

         Warning! Not Considering Your Beliefs Facebook Wants You A Donor
        While being a donor is commendable,Facebook does not have
     the right to have a person become a donor,if it conflicts their
     religious beliefs or their conscience.No one has the right,to make
     a person do,what their own conscience,forbids them to do.It is a  
     family matter,not one that involves,rich Facebook. 
        Why does Facebook have to be,like the Department of
     Motor Vehicles? First they want your drivers license,not a pin
     number to check your to check your identity.Now they want 
     every man,woman,and child, to be a donor,instead of leaving
     up to their religious beliefs,and conscience.Both actions are illegal               
     for Facebook to have.They deal with your identity,and should not
     be overly jeopardized.Also being a donor, is your business.But be,
     aware, if you choose to be a donor,you are going, to put a hard
     burden,on your family, that has to pay,for you to be a donor.It
     is very expensive.Should a doctor ask you to have risky
     medical treatment,just because he wants you to? No,your             
     decision,must be weighed,to see,if it is worth the risk?
     Similarly, you have to decide,not Facebook.The decision is
     yours to make.Do what you feel, is best for you,and forget   
     about Facebook's thoughts, on the matter.
        Do not let rich Facebook pressure you, file a
     complaint, with this place:the Federal Trade Commission
     against them at:http://www.ftc,gov/  Your privacy into personal
     matters,regarding your identity,and health,must stay confidential,   
     to keep you safe,and your close family, and friends.Facebook has
     no right, to interfere, in these personal matters.So do not give into       
     rich Facebooks demandsThey are getting too greedy,prying into   
     your private lives.If they do not stop it,they will have law suits.
     If you give into their greedy threats,then they will make another, 
     bogus rule.While they have.fun,,treating you like puppets on a 
       Is this rich Facebook,turning into social police officers? 
     Look how they pry into your lives.As suspicious police officers,
     they want to know your where abouts.They want your drivers
     license,and your donor information.Does not that,feel creepy? Do 
     not let them take away your identity,or personal matters,away
     from you.Keep those matters private,for your family,and close
       Do you know,all medical personel,from doctors,to employees,     
     working  in a medical office,nurses,lab techs,hospital staff,must    
     all, keep your medical matters,private?They could be sued,if they
     revealed,your medical matters.So why do you want Facebook,to 
     meddle, into your private lives.They are not interested in you.They
     are interested in Money.They look at each person,as a dollar sign.
     Do you want to share,your confidential matters,with a thought
     pattern like that?     
        However  the Department of Motor Vehicles is where your
     drivers license is made.With each drivers license,comes with a 
     organ donor card.if you check the box,the Department of
     Motor Vehicles,will send your donor information,to the
     proper federal agency.Then if you die,you will be considered,
     for donated organs.
    (Georgia calls theirs:Driver Department Services)
        But it is the doctor who decides, if the patient, will receive a
     prescription, for donated organs.It is the doctors permission  to
     prescribe them,if he deems it necessary.               
        The process of preserving organs,is putting them in liquid
     nitrogen.This is done immediately,when they are going to be used. 
     If this was a donor heart with a bad valve,they cut off the bad valve
     and  fill the heart with antibiotics.Then they graft a pig valve where,
     the bad valve was was,cut off.Sometimes, they use a cow valve,as a
     substitute, for a pig valve.
        If a millionaire donated a million dollars for a state of the art heart  
     wing, would that give him license,to be in charge,of donated organs? 
     then how can rich Facebook legally,make them in charge,,of organ
     donors?This money,does not give them license,to practice medicine,
     or the authority,to take on governmental duties,including,asking for 
     your drivers license.Would you like the Sanitation Department       
     building bridges?Just like you would not want the Sanitation   
     Department building bridges,you would not want Facebook,to
     govern your lives,asking for your drivers license.Then pushing you         
     into being a donor.They have no governmental authority,or right,    
     asking for your drivers license,and your donor information.They do 
     not even take in consideration,your religious beliefs,or conscience.
     They need to stick to making money,and leave your personal lives
     alone before,before someone gets severely hurt.Facebook neither,is a 
     police officer,or,practiced  medicine,therefore,they need to quit
     practicing  governmental duties.Facebook,needs to mind their own         
     business,thinking they can solve man kinds problems.They both are
     unlawful to do.If a person impersonated a police officer, or high
     ranking official,they would throw him into prison.Facebook should
     stick to make money,and leave us alone.They should have us use, 
     personal pin numbers,like banks do.Then as to donor issues,they
     should be kept confidential among family members.Please note,if 
     Facebook,keeps,trying pry into our identities,then will have
     police action,taken against them.If medical personnel, have to
     keep, medical matters confidential,then you have no reason,to
     meddle,into our private lives.Here is the man making all the 
     trouble,Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO five billionaire,
     with a raise from IPO of $18.4  billion more.He is so selfish,
     and stingy,that they will not pick up the phone to talk to you.
     Would you share,your drivers license,and medical records,
     with the mob?Then why do you want to reveal,your identity
     to a twenty-eight year old,selfish business man?,
        As a man with more than one type of Indian blood,I can      
     tell you exactly,how he is treating usHe.is treating us like
     Indians. Mark Lindsay wrote my favorite song by:
     "Paul Revere and the Raiders""Indian Nation" It talked
     about,the Indians, not wearing their own animal skin
     clothes,their headdress's,no feathers,not even letting
     they make beads.Instead,they had  to wear modern clothes,
     and live in houses.The beads,came from foreign countries.   
     Are you going going to let the CEO of Facebook,walk all
     over us,and take away our rights,of privacy?
     Do not let them.                                                        
        Could you really imagine being pulled over by a Facebook        
     Patrol Officer,who gives you a ticket for speeding?You buy
     food at Facebook Grocers.You drive home to your Facebook
     Manor.Your wife is there to greet you with a kiss,as she
     prepared a delicious pasta,with your prepare the salad.Your
     twin sixteen year old daughter,and son ,just inform you after   
     Facebook High School,they are taking their Facebook
     Written Driving Test.Your guests arrive,and enjoy this great
     meal.You all rest for a while,talking about different experiences.
     After everyone had let their food digest,you all lace up your 
     favorite tennis shoes,and you play on your new Facebook
     Tennis Court.Everyone had a great tennis match.now it is time
     to suit up,into your favorite Facebook swimsuit,and get in your
     your family Facebook swimming pool.The teens bring the air
     mattresses, dad brings the Facebook inner tubes,the guests
     bring two large Facebook beach balls.Everyone is enjoying
     themselves,while the music is coming from your built in
     3D Optic Fiber Computer Stereo,which is built in ,above the
     pool wall.After many hours in the pool having fun,with the
     inflatables,and music,you all dry off with your favorite, 
     Facebook towel.Everyone changes again,into their
     Facebook clothes.Mom,has just finished making,the fruity
     banana splits.They have fresh bananas,dark rich chocolate,
     blue berries,strawberries,cherries,black berries,raspberries,
     pecans,walnuts,peanuts,cashews,Brazil nuts,and almonds,
     with big scoops of Moose Trax Facebook Ice Cream.The
     family,and friends,are enjoying,this delicious dessert.After
     another hour passes.It is late,and you give your gusts a new
     Facebook convertible sports car.They thank you for being,
     gracious,generious hosts.Everyone waves good bye,and the
     family puts on their Facebook pajamas,and gets into their
     Facebook bed,and goes to sleep.The next morning the teens
     after school,take their written driving tests and passes.Dad
     too,has to go to traffic court.The Facebook judge comes out,
     but the Facebook Police Officer,did not show,so he throws
     out the case.He brings his wife home many gifts from the mall
     owned by Facebook.There are dozen perfect red roses,her
     favorite chocolates,perfume,and beautiful gown she was
     wanting, with matching pumps,and clutch purse,and her jewelry.
     When you presents the gifts to you,she plasters,your face with
     lipstic.She loves the roses,candy,jewelry,and gown.She did
     not know it came with matching pumps,and gown is in pearl pink,
     reddish purple,tangerine,orange,gold,emerald,royal blue,with fuchsia
     roses and lilac orchids.She is so in love with you,for thinking about her.
     You take her dancing,and she is feeling, like a princess.You drive 
     home both enjoyed the romantic date.You just remembered,earlier
     today,your twin son and daughter,received their drivers license.Your
     wife is so pretty in that formal,the teens kiss both mother,and dad.
     You give them their own keys ,to their own Facebook convertible
     sports cars.They thank their parents,and say how pretty,mom is,as
     dad is handsome.Is this for real?Is Facebook,going to ask for your
     Social Security Numbers,bank accounts,safe deposit boxes,savings
     accounts,stock certificate,bond numbers,your mothers maiden name,
     your grand mothers maiden name?When will Facebook quit with your
     personal information,which is illegal ,for them to obtain?
         Did Facebook ever help you out,with.a natural disaster?When you
     had a tornado,and you lost everything,did they give your family a
     place to live,and help you rebuild?When lightning hit your trees,which
     hit your house,and caught fire,did Facebook,help you rebuild?When
     a hurricane,almost cost your daughter's life, did they come to your
     aid,and send a helicopter,to rescue your family?When you lost your  
     automotive plant job,to support your family,did Facebook give you
     relief checks,until you found another job?No they did not.Is it not 
     selfish,.All those examples,are real life situations,but Facebook, did
     not help.They are thinking of dead bodies,as donors,not living,
     breathing persons.You are just a dollar sign, not a person.They will
     not even pick up a phone,to talk to you.Is not it morbid,to think
     they are interested in dead bodies,but not living persons.You will
     be better to stick to federal agencies,then rely on Facebook.It
     is only interested in making money.They rather you risk your
     identity,to verify your identity,then to have you make a pin
     number.I did a live poll,about this matter,from teenagers,to
     the elderly,and they all say the same thing,:"We do not want
     to give our drivers license to Facebook and jeopardize our
     identity."Do not play spider to the fly,and let Facebook,trap
     you, in their web.How many traps,will Facbook set,before
     you fall right into them.Remember,use federal agencies,to
     help you, they are qualified for that purpose.
     ( The Federal Trade Commission suggest,instead of using)   
     ( Social Security Number,use a pin number to prevent)  
     ( prevent identity theft.) 
          Would you take your sick child to a gangster for 
     medical attention?Then why do you want,a rich snub,
     social network take care of donor issues.They will not
     even,pick up the phone to talk to you.So why trust
     them,with health issues?         
        Do you know the idea of being a donor,can not be made
     by the following:The Department of Motor Vehicles,the CIA,
     the FBI,the Secret Service,or The President of the United 
     States.It is a decision,you can legally,only, make.Facebook,is    
     not concerned about your beliefs,or conscience on donor 
     issues.You make that decision,and keep it private.Make
     Facebook mind their own business.Warning! Not Considering Your Beliefs Facebook Wants You  A Donor